Manufacturing Better Business in Minneapolis Saint Paul
"Manufacturing Better Business" is a strategic plan to create good, green manufacturing jobs in Minneapolis Saint Paul, Minnesota. The report is the result of the Mayors' Green Manufacturing Initiative.
Through the Mayors’ Initiative on Green Manufacturing, Minneapolis Saint Paul has made a commitment to growing green jobs within the regional economy. Building on Phase I of the Initiative, and the findings of ancillary research inquiries during Phase II, this Market Strategic Plan (“Plan”) positions Thinc.GreenMSP as the leading initiative to help retain, grow and attract green manufacturing businesses and jobs in the Minneapolis Saint Paul region.
Within the context of government partnership and business-friendly initiatives, Thinc.GreenMSP will become a unifying, regional green economic development brand; connect locally made green products with customers who want them; aggressively pursue and position at least one industry “vertical” to set the region apart; and spotlight Minneapolis Saint Paul as leaders in growing the green economy.
“No course of action offers greater benefit than to pursue manufacturing opportunities in the green economy. Done well, Thinc.GreenMSP will be one of the most important economic development initiatives for Minneapolis Saint Paul in the coming decades.”
– David Foster, President, BlueGreen Alliance Foundation
Together these efforts will position Thinc.GreenMSP as the primary thought and advocacy leader for a growth strategy in green manufacturing for the Minneapolis Saint Paul region.