CEMC’S August Webinar Took an In Depth Look into the Geothermal Heat Pump Industry
Geothermal heat pumps can be installed almost anywhere, and they are an ideal way to heat and cool our homes, schools and workplaces. CEMC discussed the opportunities in this industry as part of its monthly webinar series in August.
Geothermal heat pumps can be installed almost anywhere and are an ideal way to heat and cool our homes, schools and workplaces. It is estimated that about 85,000 GHPs are installed annually across the United States. CEMC discussed the opportunities in this industry as part of its monthly webinar series in August.
The conversation began with Ted Clutter, Manager of Outreach and Member Services at the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO). Ted spoke generally about geothermal energy and heat pumps, how they work while also highlighting the current market conditions and the potential growth for this industry.
Ted was followed by Herb Batrouny, Senior VP of Asia Pacific Operations for Water Furnace International, a global manufacturer of geothermal systems. As the person in charge of the company’s global supply chain, Herb broke down the key components of a geothermal heat pump system, where they are currently produced and that supply chain opportunities stretch beyond the geothermal market into the Air Source HVAC industry as well.
Lastly, David Henrich, VP at Bergerson Caswell, Inc., covered the basics of a geothermal field installation and what materials and equipment are used during drilling, piping and installation process.