Jackson Mayor Yarber Highlights Gateway Housing Initiative and Discuss Use of Local, Healthy Building Materials
Jackson, Mississippi is utilizing BuildingClean.org to find local, healthy energy-efficient building products on projects.
Mayor Tony T. Yarber joined representatives from Green & Health Homes Initiative (GHHI) and recipients of the Gateway Housing Initiative to demonstrate a new, first-of-its-kind database that identifies healthy, locally made products in the energy efficiency retrofit of homes and buildings.
BuildingClean.org, a project of the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation, is a new, free tool to help building professionals and consumers find healthy, locally made energy-efficient housing products. The website provides access to more than 2,500 facilities manufacturing products in key sectors as lighting, appliances, insulation, sealants, HVAC, roofing, water filtration systems, and water-saving plumbing devices as well as accessible, understandable tools on hazardous chemicals that could harm installers and occupants.
The Gateway Housing Initiative is a partnership with the City of Jackson Department of Housing and Community Development, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Mississippi Housing Partnership, and GHHI to improve the City’s housing stock and revitalize West Jackson neighborhoods.