Overview of the Solar Energy Industry and Supply Chain
This overview provides general information about the solar energy market as well as the current installed capacity and expected growth with a focus on the solar energy supply chain.
This Overview of the Solar Energy Industry and Supply Chain was prepared for the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation’s Clean Energy Manufacturing Center (CEMC) as the first step in identifying opportunities to increase the base of domestic suppliers in the U.S. solar energy industry. The overview includes general information about the solar energy market as well as current installed capacity and expected growth, but its primary focus is the solar energy supply chain. Building the domestic supply chain for the solar energy industry has the potential to create jobs while accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy.
This document is based solely on secondary research to develop a set of industry information that can be used to help U.S. manufacturers participate in solar industry growth. The document is a starting point to assist in determining where and how to focus resources to maximize employment growth in the solar industry. The assessment of job creation opportunities in section one is preliminary, and requires additional primary research to validate and elaborate.