Buy Local, Buy Healthy
What Is Building Clean?
Building Clean is your portal to BUY LOCAL and HEALTHY energy-efficient products.
Housing consumes more than 20 percent of U.S. energy. Building Clean is designed to help architects and designers, consumers, contractors and developers, and manufacturers find American-made, healthy products to help them capture the benefits of energy efficiency retrofits—including lower utility bills, improved tenant health and increased economic development.
The Building Clean database supercharges efforts to find these healthy, American made products and highlights a broad range of energy-efficient housing products, illustrating the breadth and depth of America’s energy-efficient product supply chain.
Poor housing conditions and building product choices—including insulation, paint and sealants; roofing problems; heating, plumbing, and electrical deficiencies; water leaks and intrusion; and pests—are associated with a wide range of health conditions. These include respiratory illness, asthma, lead poisoning and cancer. Building Clean can help you avoid these chemicals and focus on products that are safe to install and safe for residents.
Building Clean is part of a broader national initiative to accelerate the retrofit of low-income, multifamily homes.
Why Use Our Energy-Efficient Products Database?
The information contained in the housing products database and harmful chemicals sections will benefit a number of audiences, including:
- Domestic manufacturers interested in learning about opportunities to participate in the energy efficiency retrofit market supply chain.
- Residents living in affordable housing. Energy efficiency retrofits using safe materials can significantly reduce energy bills while safeguarding a resident’s health.
- Building owners and contractors wanting to learn about energy efficiency housing products and potentially hazardous chemicals.
Who is Building Clean?
This project is an initiative of the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation and is a companion piece to the broader Energy Efficiency for All initiative, a partnership of the Energy Foundation, Elevate Energy, National Housing Trust and the Natural Resources Defense Council. This effort is dedicated to linking the energy, housing and health sectors together in order to tap the benefits of energy efficiency for millions of low-income families.
These projects are made possible with funding support from The JPB Foundation.