About the Map 

This interactive map and downloadable spreadsheet provide information on manufacturing facilities in the automotive supply chain, including company/facility name, location, evidence of unionization, whether the facility is known to have received relevant federal incentives, and information on products manufactured. It also includes geographic details, including state, Congressional District, Coal Closure Communities, Disadvantaged Communities, and Deindustrialized Communities (see Underlying Data section for details). Details regarding the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain and relevant federal incentives were cross referenced with data from the EV Jobs Hub maintained by Atlas Public Policy. This updated and improved map was produced by the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation with support from Climate Imperative. 

Underlying Data 

Scope of Data 

BGA’s auto data covers U.S. manufacturing facilities that contribute to the on-highway vehicle supply chain. This includes facilities that produce materials, parts, and components for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles, as well as those involved in final assembly. The scope encompasses supply chains for electric, hybrid, and conventional vehicles also known as internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, including the production of fuel-agnostic components used across vehicle types. All types of on-highway vehicles are in scope except for motorcycles and other two wheeled vehicles and recreational vehicles (RVs). Specialty vehicles such as forklifts, warehouse vehicles, and construction or military equipment are not within scope.  

The dataset focuses exclusively on manufacturing facilities, including those in small-batch production phases that have not yet scaled to mass production. Facilities solely dedicated to research and development (R&D), such as those testing or developing new products, are excluded. Non-manufacturing facilities—including headquarters, corporate offices, warehousing, parts replacement centers, and similar operations—are also excluded. Information on idled and closed facilities is included. Announced/planned facilities not yet in operation are excluded. 

Data Collection Process 

This is an update to previously collected automotive supply chain data. The update includes existing facility data as well as identifying additional facilities not previously collected. We collect facility location details such as address as well as broad classification of production, including vehicle type (e.g., light-duty, heavy-duty; note that medium-duty vehicles are included in heavy-duty), vehicle profile (car, truck, etc.), and production tier (e.g., Tier 1-4, see Data Dictionary below for details). While details on what products are manufactured on-site and their classifications are generally clear for assembly facilities, it is less clear for suppliers farther down the supply chain as components can potentially be used in more types of vehicles. 

Data Sources 

All data was collected from publicly available sources, primarily from company websites and recent industry news articles. Google Maps was used to verify facility locations. Data on federal funding was primarily obtained from the EV Jobs Hub. Specific data sources are cited and linked in the Data Dictionary below. 


We do our best to ensure that the data we release is as complete, accurate, and useful as possible. Companies and facilities provide varying levels of detail on their websites about which industries they serve and which products they make. We cannot always determine which specific products are made at a given manufacturing facility, and manufacturers may shift production of products or product lines between different facility locations over time. Materials suppliers (such as steel or aluminum producers) may be included because they potentially serve the automotive industry but may not have been confirmed to do so.  

Data Dictionary 

Column Name  Description 
ID_Number  Unique identifier for the facility. IDs have remained the same over multiple iterations of this data, beginning with the SI2 report. 
Company_Name  The name of the company. In cases where the facility is known by a colloquial name (e.g. Ford Rouge), this is included. 
Status  The current status of the facility as of late 2024. This can be “Closed,” “Idled,” “Operating,” or “Unconfirmed.” The majority of facilities are “Operating.” Facilities with other statuses were not collected systematically and thus may not be comprehensive. 
City  The city or town where the facility is located. 
State  The state where the facility is located. 
Cong__District  The congressional district where the facility is located, following boundaries for the 119th Congress. Using U.S. Census Bureau shapefiles to determine location: For states which redrew districts for the 119th Congress (AL, LA, GA, NC, NY), 2024 TIGER/Line Congressional Districts (119th) shapefiles for the respective states were used. For states where 119th and 118th Congressional Districts stayed the same, the 2023 Cartographic Boundary Files Congressional Districts (118th) national shapefile was used. Note: a national shapefile of the 119th congressional districts from the Census Bureau was not available at the time of publishing.  

The congressional district boundaries visualized on the map use a file for the 119th congress published by ESRI. 

Latitude  The latitude of the facility. 
Longitude  The longitude of the facility. 
Vehicle_Type__Heavy_Light_  Whether the facility produces Heavy-Duty (including Medium-Duty) or Light-Duty vehicles, or both.  
Tier  Where the facility sits in the supply chain.  

  • Tier 1 is final vehicle assembly 
  • Tier 2 is propulsion systems, electronic systems, and body & interior 
  • Tier 3 is parts inputs and main materials 
  • Tier 4 is infrastructure-related equipment, remanufacturing, refurbishment, and aftermarket   

When facilities manufacture in multiple tiers, they are assigned the lowest numbered/most final tier (i.e., a facility that does final assembly and also manufactures propulsion systems will be considered Tier 1). For a complete list of Tiers associated with a facility, see “Tier_Details.” 

Profile  A list of the vehicle types made or supplied by the facility. These are: “Car,” “Pickup,” “SUV,” “Delivery Trucks,” “Full Size Pickup & Vans,” “Semis – Class 8,” “Bus,” “Vocational Vehicles,” and “Unknown.” This data is not visualized on the map. 
Tier_Details  A list of all manufacturing activity taking place at the facility, broken down by Tier. This provides a more complete list of activities than the “Tier” column. 
Technology  A list of the fuel technologies for which the facility is an assembler or supplier. These can be “EV,” “ICE,” “Hybrid,” and “Fuel Agnostic.” 
Transitioned  Indicates facilities that have transitioned to EV production in the past five years, inferred by the fact that the facility was not listed as an EV assembler or Supplier in the 2019 BGA data and was listed as such in 2024. EV facilities not collected in the 2019 BGA data will not have this attribute. 
Public_Description  A brief description of the facility’s activities. 
Union_status  An indication of the union status of the facility, based primarily on Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) F7 data. “Good Evidence” indicates a facility with multiple recent F7s. “Some Evidence” indicates a facility with fewer and/or older F7s. 
Federal_Funding_Received  Indicates funding amounts from federal programs. Data collected from the EV Jobs Hub. 
Federal_Program  Indicates the program issuing funding for facilities that appear in the EV Jobs Hub. Includes Advanced Vehicle Technology Manufacturing Loan Program (ATVM), 

Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grant Program (DMCG), 

Battery Manufacturing and Recycling Grant Program, Battery Material Processing Program, 48c Manufacturing Tax Credit. The data was collected primarily from the EV Jobs Hub with some additional research on federal agency websites. 

F30D_Eligible_  Facilities that make vehicles that are believed to be eligible for the 30D Tax Credit, or that otherwise stand to benefit from the credit. This information is based on data from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE, the EV Jobs Hub, and various other sources.  

There are different categories of eligibility captured in the data: 

  • “Eligible now or in the near future”: EV assemblers that currently manufacture vehicles that have been deemed eligible for the tax credit in 2025, as well as facilities that are expected to shortly begin production on a vehicle that has already been deemed eligible in 2025, and facilities that are expected to begin production on a vehicle that is expected to be deemed eligible once production begins. 
  • “Eligible in 2023-24″: EV assemblers that manufacture or previously manufactured vehicles that were deemed eligible in 2023 or 2024 but are not eligible in 2025. These vehicles may become eligible again in later years, but definitive evidence of this was not available. 
  • “Potentially eligible in the future”: all remaining light-duty EV assemblers that are not captured in the previous two categories. These facilities make vehicles that are not currently eligible but could take steps to make them eligible, such as switching to a domestic battery supplier. 
  • “Direct beneficiaries”: Light-duty EV propulsion battery suppliers and makers of battery materials and components. Since eligibility for the full tax credit requires a domestically produced battery, these companies benefit the most directly among suppliers and are the most likely to supply to an eligible vehicle. 
  • “Indirect beneficiaries”: All other light-duty EV suppliers. These facilities benefit less directly than battery manufacturers and may or may not supply to eligible vehicles, but many still likely benefit overall from the support for EV purchasing and the domestic EV supply chain.

Categories are mutually exclusive; a facility that manufactures an eligible vehicle as well as manufacturing batteries and parts would be marked as “eligible” but not as a “beneficiary.”  

In a small number of cases, this field will indicate that a facility stands to benefit from 30D despite not being an EV facility. These are all cases where the EV Jobs Hub has identified that the facility plans to transition to EV production or supply, but that transition has not been completed as of January 2025. 

Communities  A list of the hard-hit communities that the facility is in. These can be “Disadvantaged Communities” as defined by CEQ; “Coal-Closure Energy Communities” as defined by DOE, and “Deindustrialized Communities” as defined by the BlueGreen Alliance (BGA). See BGA’s Hard-Hit Communities Map for more information.  
Census_Region  The Census Region where the facility is located, based on U.S. Census Bureau classification 
Census_Division  The Census Division where the facility is located, based on U.S. Census Bureau classification. 
SI2  Facilities that were also included in the Supplying Ingenuity II: U.S. Suppliers Of Key Clean, Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Technologies Report 
Status_Filter  A simplification of the “Status” column, in which all statuses other than “Operating” are combined into “Not Operating” 
ObjectId  The unique identifier assigned by ArcGIS 
x  The longitude assigned by ArcGIS 
y  The latitude assigned by ArcGIS